Thursday, January 28, 2016

Busy Body

My post was supposed to be about weight loss today. Damn gossiping fools. Minding other people's business. I never understood this. Where do you find the time to be so involved in other people's lives? Why do you care so much? I'm to busy in my life trying to learn new things, trying to grow. Trying to increase my finances, manage my home. Manage MY life! What is really going on in your life? I'm sure there is something sorely lacking in your home, job, or relationships if you have the time to be so involved in others. I don't entertain gossip. I'm more of a straight shooter. Bring me the source and we'll talk it out. Or not. When people start with that mess I shut them down quick, because you're not going to say Wendy said shit! People want to put this cattiness on women, but men do it just as much, if not more. I just don't have the time. I never have. DRAMA, like lies is hard to keep up with, I'd rather have joy!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Begin Again

What better way to get this started. Again. I'm just writing. I jhave so much going on. So here I am again giving my first love as try. I'm going to be fifty and I want to write about everything! I want to write again, which means I am in a happy place in my life. But God... Because it could have really all gone left. So just be patient as I get my groove back. It'll be great, funny, sad, poetic, political, hopefully never sad, angry and honest. This is my truth, my new blog. Giving you a little peek into this brown child's life. I am Glorious and Wonderfully made! Let's go!